Europe’s Disfunctionalist Fashion
Pál Belényesi - October 2016
In a recent EUobserver article signed by the code name Civis Europaeus, an internal European Commission employee argues for a fundamentally revised communication strategy in order to win acceptance for Europe and thereby save the European unification process...
Participation in Large-Scale International Development Projects
Pál Belényesi - November 2016
Short-term technical expert in “Activity 1.A.1. of Overall Working Plan of Component 2 of the TRTA 3 project between the European Union and the Government of the Philippines”, on legal mapping the telecom and competition environment. Author of the technical report. 6-25 November, 2016. Manila, The Philippines.
Economics of Digital Markets – a brief introduction
Pál Belényesi - 2016
Competition authorities face many challenges when it comes to market analysis of such markets. ough neoclassical theories seem to hold for many goals, the solicitation of structured results from empirical researches and behavioral economics seems to be a wise option to consider when analyzing such markets...